Buku Metodologi Penelitian.

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Bandung: Alfabeta.Īn Attitude and Character Instructional Development Based on Curriculum 2013 in Elementary SchoolĪUTHORS: Badeni Muhamad, Sri SaparahayuningsihĬriticism, Improvement, Character Instructional Model, 2013 Curriculum, Integrated Instructional ApproachĪBSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to identify the weaknesses of the instructional model of attitude and character in the 2013 elementary school curriculum and to develop a conceptual model of attitude and character instruction being able to instill the attitudes and characters contained in the content of social studies subject of elementary schools in the curriculum of 2013. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan: Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R & D.

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